วันพุธที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Fake Terror And The War For Your Mind

Fake Terror And The War For Your Mind Tube. Duration : 14.92 Mins.

The Miami 7, the Fort Dix 6,the Newburgh 4, the Underwear Bomber, the Portland Car Bomber... The FBI has set up then knocked down dozens of terrorist straw men in an effort to convince you that the 'war on terror' is real. This is a very real war for your mind and we may all pay a high price for ignoring it.

Keywords: the Liberty City seven, Miami, the Miami 7, the Fort Dix six, the Newburgh four, the underwear bomber, Abdulmutallab, the Portland car bomb plot, fake terrorist, fake terrorism

