วันจันทร์ที่ 2 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

GeoSnippits-How To Deal With Geocaching Muggles

GeoSnippits-How To Deal With Geocaching Muggles Tube. Duration : 7.83 Mins.

GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos hosted by our very own lovable HeadHardHat shows you how to deal with a very important aspect of geocaching and that is the muggles who surround us. This currently is one of the most requested viewer suggestions and now you have the basics of geocaching with muggles at your finger tips. Learn what makes us as geocachers look suspicious to muggles and how to blend into an environment while geocaching in this fun and entertaining video. Geocachers with little or no experience will enjoy these episodes as much as the more experienced geocachers will. GeoSnippits is an ever growing series of geocaching video tutorials geared for geocachers of all experiences to enjoy. You can also visit our GeoSnippits home web page at www.geosnippits.com.

Keywords: headhardhat, geocaching, muggles, geocache, how, to, make, introduction, tutorial, geocacher, types, of, geocaches, geosnippits, video, intro, fun

