วันพุธที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

McDonalds Monologue! [:

McDonalds Monologue! [: Video Clips. Duration : 1.88 Mins.

This was such a fun monologue to do! But- i put a modern twist on this monologue. :D For those of you who aren't familiar with the magical world of theatre, hahahah, a monologue is pretty much acting with one person. It's just one long speech/paragraph that a person acts out by themselves. SO! Instead, i added some dialogue at the beginning with a blinged out ghetto customer! Hahaha, hope you like it. I found this monologue on google! && i also found out that a youtuber named "MarieUnknown" did this monologue too! Check her out! She's amazing! Here it is, if you also wanna make a video! :D :D :D :D Faith: Ma'am, I replaced the first burger free cause it "didn't taste right" to you. And the second burger cause you said it wasn't cooked enough. Now you're telling me that this burger is burnt?! You have got to be kidding me. Where do you think you are. This is McDonald's! We ain't serving no sirloin steak! .25 an hour and I gotta put up with the likes of you. I'll tell you what. Why don't you come back here, take my greasy apron and my stupid hat, and stand back here in 128 degree temperature and cook your own burger til you're satisfied. Oh, and hey, don't forgot you gotta smile nice for all the customers while you're sweating to death and the French Fry boys are whispering perverted jokes!! No? Doesn't sound like a good old time to you? Well then, I highly suggest you take that burger back to your little table, eat it, and think about how lucky you are that I didn't ...

Tags: mcdonalds, monologue, big, mac, rap, double, cheeseburger, tasty, kids, meal, acting, theatre, ghetto, girl

