วันศุกร์ที่ 4 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Create a Web Site Forum - How forum hosting works

Create a Web Site Forum - How forum hosting works Tube. Duration : 3.78 Mins.

Start here: www.onlineinstitute.com Free demo is here: www.forum-hosting.oli.us Hey guys and gals, Fred here with another tip on how you too, actually anyone, can be a web guru, without having to be a tech-geek. Ever been a member of a forum or message board online? most have. Forums are like online hangouts, where people with common interests share info and get to know each other. I often visit this music forum where I get the latest info and tour dates on my favorite band. Then there's a webmaster frum where I keep up on the web's latest secrets. And here's a secret about forum hosting, a forum can actually get your more traffic to your website and higher ranking in the search engines, as they increase your number of inbound links coming to your web site. Believe it or not, you don't have to be a techy at all to start your own forum. There's really just 2 simple Steps: 1. Choose some Forum software you like. 2. Choose a good Forum Host, who makes your forum accessible online. I'll try to make these 2 steps as basic as possible, with my own recommendations. Step 1. It's important to chose forum software that has all the features you and your forum members will want, like the ability for members to share files, pictures, create opinion polls, set Calendar events, instant message and more. One forum software that does this, and is also free, is drum roll .... Simple Machines Forums, or SMF. The great part about Simple Machines is the creators are always improving the ...

Keywords: forum, hosting, online, message, board, private, forums, community, website, host, how, to, easy, tutorial, steps, create, make, simple, web, site, hosts, computer, instructions, lesson, teach, learn

